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Virtual Stations of the Cross with
Refelctions from Women in the Bible

Palm Sunday Night
April 13, 2025 7:00 pm EDT on Zoom

Hearing women’s voices in the Bible is not common, is it? However, we know that women were present at the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. What would it have been like to be physically part of that crowd on the road to Golgotha? What thoughts would we have had about this man, Jesus? We often discuss the crucifixion and partake in “the body and blood” of the crucified, but do we truly engage with the agony and pain of it? Do we allow ourselves to be immersed in the drama? 

You will have the opportunity to engage with this journey through the Zoom event, “Virtual Stations of the Cross with Reflections from Women in the Bible.” You will accompany each of these women as they walk the way of sorrows, sharing their experiences in monologue form. Take the time to become a part of the story. Don’t rush through Holy Week; instead, enter into the darkness of the crucifixion. It is only by fully confronting and living in that darkness that you can truly recognize the Light of Easter.

Zoom link to register for the service:

Contact: Elaine Conger
Diocesan Assembly President for East Tennessee
The Order of the Daughters of the King